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Public Building Commission Minutes 02/18/2015
South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes – Regular Meeting – February 18, 2015

A special meeting of the Public Building Commission was held on February 18, 2015 in Room 106 at Ellsworth School, 1737 Main Street.  The following people were in attendance:

Members Present:  Howard (Hap) Fitts, Carol Kelley, Jim Neary, Charley Lyons & Edward O’Connell   

Also Present: SWPS Representatives, Dr. Kate Carter, Patrick Hankard, Strategic Building Solutions Representatives Marc Sklenka and Chuck Warrington, Drummey Rosanne Representative Jim Barrett, Gilbane Representative Karie Kratz and Town Council Liaison Andy Paterna

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

Approval of Schematic Design Documents and Estimate

Mr. Warrington distributed a packet of information which included a letter to the commission outlining the discussions at the February 11, 2015 meeting along with a letter dated February 18, 2015 which reflected updated information as a result of the working group meeting this morning. The following documents were provided to the commission: Schematic Design Reconciled Estimate (Revised 2/18/15) and Recommended Value Engineering Items (Revised 2/18/15).  Mr. Warrington explained that as a result of collaborative discussions at this morning’s meeting, and given the fact that no one wanted to cut the medically fragile program from the construction budget, it was determined that the program would be kept in as an add alternate through the design development phase.  He noted that the recommendation would be to move forward with DRA’s recommended Option B1 which would provide for an increase in the amount of value engineering by $170,000, reducing the deficit from $774,000 to $602,000, or 2% and preserves the medically fragile space.

Mr. Barrett reviewed the revised floor plan that would serve to keep the medically fragile space and advised that this would give the team additional time to gain a better cost understanding through the design development stage of the project.  

Mr. Neary questioned when the superintendent would be required to provide the information to the board.  Dr. Carter noted that, based on the commission’s decision, she would plan to present the concept of eliminating the medically fragile space and placing it as an add alternate at the board’s February 24 meeting.  She noted that the sooner the board does have a decision, the better it would be for program planning.

Chairman Fitts noted commission members are reluctant to take the program out and that if there is a shift in savings, they may be able to keep the program.  Mr. Neary suggested that the gym also be considered as an add alternate, to which Chairman Fitts indicated that it would not be a consideration.  

Mr. Warrington noted that at this time DRA is seeking the commission’s permission to move forward with the Design Development phase of the project and requested whether there were additional questions from the commission.

A motion was made by Mr. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. Kelley to approve the schematic design documents and estimates as presented.

Discussion:  Chairman Fitts noted that this approval anticipates the Board of Education’s approval and/or disapproval.

Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion of Commissioning Agent

Mr. Hankard advised that he reviewed all eight proposals submitted for commissioning agent and that all proposals appeared to meet all requirements in the RFP.  He provided the commission with a summary of the firms and suggested that in order to refine the selection, he considered four main components: 1) Prior experience with CT High Performance Building and the State of CT School Facilities unit, 2) Commissioning of elementary schools, 3) Presence in the State of CT and 4) Cost.  Based on those four considerations, three firms met the criteria, all of which he checked references.  The three firms were: Strategic Building Solutions, Sustainable Engineering and AKF.  Mr. Neary advised that he reviewed all proposals as well and arrived at the same conclusion and suggested that the commission interview all the three companies.  

A motion was made by Mr. Neary, seconded by Mr. O’Connell to interview Strategic Building Solutions, Sustainable Engineering Solutions and AKF Engineers, all CT corporations, for the position of Commissioning Agent for the Orchard Hill Elementary School project.  Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Hankard advised that he would schedule the interviews on behalf of the commission, and the commission members suggested a special meeting on March 4.    

There being no other business being brought before the commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Walsh